Enhancing His Creativity Within You
Part One
Intentional Inspiration Workbook
Enhancing His Creativity in You
Overview of the Six Sessions
Session 1 -The Creativity of God-This first session takes a look at the vastness of our creative Creator which is especially important when our perception has been dulled due to our culture. We are lovingly and uniquely made in His image; how could we not have His characteristics? We explore the nature of creativity and how it flows to produce the creativity of God within us. We go through the different facets of creativity to gain a perspective of what creativity actually is.
Session 2 -God Creates Realities-As we live and move and have our being the absolute reality of the truth of His promises and the hope He instills in us becomes more pronounced. Examples of His creative actions are described. We learn the importance of flowing in His creative stream as well as see examples of places where we can flow in the creativity He unleashes in us.
Session 3 – God Creates Ideas-His thoughts and ideas far surpass our capability, but He has blessed us with His Word and endowed us with His Holy Spirit to lead us. He provides us with a plan to rid ourselves of hindering and stifling thoughts. Science is now learning that as we are renewing our mind through repentance there are actually neuropathways that are rerouted. What is happening spiritually causes a physical change in our brains!
Session 4 – Creating Our Attitudes-Our attitudes reflect how we see and react to our experiences. As we learn and grow in Him, we are consistently being transformed as we develop the mind of Christ. We look at biblical examples of how others were changed when confronted, which teaches us how to respond. It is simply a good choice to have a positive outlook. In order to intentionally flow in the creative process, our minds must be free from the influence of stifling trauma.
Session 5 – Perceiving God’s Creativity-In order to have an atmosphere conducive to instruction in large classes our school systems have systematically been removing the creativity out of children. But we can choose to intentionally see and look for His creativity in our world. It gives us a new appreciation for who He is and what He has done and is doing. We will also take a look at our cultural and kingdom commission as motivation to perceive and know about our creativity.
Session 6 – Reinhabiting His Creativity-We are fearfully and wonderfully made by and for Him. We investigate our biochemistry and DNA to reiterate the unquestionability of our Creator. We fulfill our purpose by glorifying Him and the magnificence of His creation.
Each Session has a Worksheet with a Summary Worksheet at the end of each session. While it will be tempting to overlook these pages, I encourage you to take each one seriously, so you solidify every ounce of your growth.