Live Your Purpose 6 Sessions Introduction

Introduction to Live Your Purpose

6 Sessions

In this last segment of Intentional Inspiration, you will see how the convergence of The Creativity of God and Building Spiritual Practice will improve your receptivity to fulfill His purpose in your life. You will begin to see your life as a divine placement for Him to utilize every single event, good and bad, for His glory. He is the only One who could possibly and creatively mold all these things for something good. Let Him have your whole life! He will make good things from it AND you will also gain eternal life! 

Now for an overview of what is ahead:

Session 1—Introduction to Purpose – You will discover the facets of the reasons and objectives of why you are here at this time in history. You will begin to look around at your life and see possibilities. You can begin to see that your life is not just about you. He has a plan and a reason why you are within the sphere of influence that you are in. He will give you the courage and the confidence to move forward in His purpose for you. You will begin to see how your purpose is bigger than you thought.

Session 2—God’s Purposes of Love – As born-again believers, we have become totally brand new creatures in Christ. We have a new mind, a new heart, new potential to love and be loved. Old things are passed away, all is forgiven as we repent, He is turning around our lives to live for Him and not ourselves. He does not hide His will; He freely gives it as we seek Him. He made each of us to be His ambassadors on this earth; to follow in His steps and represent Him. We have been led to believe that it was the job of the pastors, priests, and bishops. But it is you and I who have been given the commission.

Session 3--Empowered and Equipping – As Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up, he was humbled and offered his life to be sent wherever. When we experience Him, when we see Him, our lives are forever and unexplainably changed. You begin to see that you were made for a greater purpose and why you are beginning to be compelled to make disciples. 

Session 4—Do Purpose as a Servant – Jesus came to this earth as the Son of God, fully human and fully divine, not to be served, but to serve. As our character is developed by walking in His truths we will be established as a person of integrity in every area of our lives. Our life is not our own, we are here to be about His business of serving others. We have an endless life that begins here and now and as His servants, we give our lives so others can have this, too. Making disciples can be simple if we realize that we are a link in the process. Paul said that he planted the seed, Apollos watered but it was God that gave the increase.

Session 5--Working Out the Call – No matter where you are right here and right now, He has a plan just for you. He is rebuilding the walls of your life so you can see Him as One that Reconstructs, Rebuilds, and Renews lives. You will begin to see that you, too, can do this for others. He is the light of the world, as He draws us to Him, He opens our eyes to the light of His love and grace. He gives you a vision and provides the means to fulfill that vision. You will learn ways to share your testimony in a simple way.

Session 6—Moving Out - He will begin to download steps to take, a vision, a plan, or a burden. We can choose to regress in to ourselves and rely on fear, failure, blame, and regret. But you will have to utilize the things you learned in the previous sections and do the work. God will never force or coerce you into following Him. It is your choice. Follow Him or yourself, it's one or the other. In our culture, we are becoming more and more restricted in our freedoms. We need to stand firm in Him and be ready to give a reason for the hope within us. 

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